Casselton’s municipal swimming pool will open for the season on Monday, June 2, weather permitting.

Open and family swim sessions will be scheduled.

The Pool will be closed July 4th & 5th.  We will open again on Monday July 8th for our regular hours.  Thank you for your understanding.  Have a safe & happy 4th of July!

Swimming lessons are available.  Children must be 5 years of age or older prior to the start of each session to register for Level 1.  See the “Swimming Lessons” information below for classes offered and times.

Please check the park district website,, for changes in the swim schedule and for the most up-to-date weather notices.

The pool will also be available for group rentals, parties, etc.  Please contact a member of the pool staff at 346-0127 or the parks and recreation office at 347-5386 for more information or to reserve a rental date.

Pool Staff & Contact Information

  • Pool Manager:  Kaylee Hagness (566-3004)
  • Lifeguard Staff:  Addison Hushka, AJ Olson, Levi Kunze, Parker Auka, MacKenzie Meyer
  • Phone:  346-0127
  • Address:  401 2nd Street South, Casselton ND

Open Swim Hours:  1 PM to 5 PM and 7 PM to 9 PM Monday through Friday.  1 PM to 5 PM on Saturdays.

Pool Fees

Family Swim Pass – $200 (Includes immediate family & summer babysitter)

Individual Swim Pass – $100

Daycare Pass – $400

Daily Fees – $4 for the afternoon session (1 PM to 5 PM) – $3 for the evening session (7 PM to 9 PM)

Swim Lessons – $50 per session

Pool Rental – $125 per hour (2 lifeguards and up to 20 patrons)

$150 per hour (3 lifeguards and 20 patrons or more)

  • Fees adjustable for parties bigger than 25 patrons)

Pool Requirements

No child under the age of 10 will be admitted to the Casselton pool without adult supervision or a guardian at least 13 years of age!

  • Pool patrons are not allowed to use any type of flotation device in the pool.
  • No toys are allowed in the pool during open or family swim sessions.
  • Swim diapers are required for those under 2 years of age and for others not fully toilet trained.
  • No alcohol or tobacco products are allowed in or around the pool facility.
  • Patrons must shower before entering the pool.
  • Swimmers cannot enter the pool area if they have an open cut or a communicable disease.
  • For further policy guidelines, please check the park district’s policy manual.  Copies are located at the parks’ office and at the pool.

Daycare Swim Policy

Daycare providers must observe a ratio of 1 attendant per 10 children at the Casselton Pool.  Attendants must be 13 years of age to monitor children at our pool.

Swimming Lessons:

Session I: June 16 – June 27

Session II:  July 14 – July 25

Class Levels Schedule (Sessions I & II)

Levels 1 & 2 – 10 AM and 11 AM

Level 3 – 9 AM and 11 AM

Level 4 – 10 AM

Level 5 – 9 AM

Please Note: Swim lesson classes are limited to 10 students per section in all levels.  Lessons fill on a first-come, first-serve basis.

  • In order to give more children the opportunity to participate, please register your child for only one (1) session of lessons.
  • Private lessons are available with individual lifeguards at a cost of $15 per half hour.  Contact the pool or the parks’ office for more information.
Swim Lesson Levels

Please Note:  Park district guidelines suggest that youth swimmers be 5 years of age to begin a Level 1 course.

Level 1 (Recommended Ages 5-6)

Children become comfortable with their faces in the water and learn basic swim/floating skills on front and back with support.  Skills encouraged include bobs, bubble blowing, floating with support and some basic kick and stroke techniques.

Level 2 (Ages 6-8)

The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with some fundamental skills of swimming.  Swimmers will practice skills such floating, treading water along with the basic swim stroke and kick.  Water safety skills will be addressed.

Level 3 (Ages 7-11)

Swimmers continue to build on the fundamentals of the basic swim stroke, locomotion and water safety skills learned in Level 2.  Students will practice skills such as jumping into deep water and diving.  This is the level that most swimmers learn and develop the basic crawl stroke.  Basic backstroke technique may be introduced as well.

Level 4

Level 4 helps swimmers develop confidence and competency in aquatic locomotion and more advanced safety skills.  Students will practice skills such as diving from the side in the standing position and may be asked to tread water for up to 2 minutes.

Students will work to improve the front crawl stroke, swimming up to 25 yards.  Other strokes, including the backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly stroke, can be introduced.

Level 5

The purpose of this course is to coordinate and refine key strokes learned in previous levels.  Students will tread water for longer periods of time, front crawl up to 50 yards, breaststroke for 25 yards with body horizontal, butterfly for 25 yards and work to improve their backstroke, back crawl and sidestroke techniques.

Level 6 (Offered Privately)

Level 6 involves swimmers working to become highly proficient with all the strokes learned in previous levels and to improve water safety.  Students swim long distances and register for one of four (4) different areas of emphasis.

Students in level 6 will practice endurance swimming, turns, dives and advanced safety practices.  This course is highly recommended for swimmers who plan to become lifeguards.